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The Barlow RC High School

Parents’ Evenings

How Parents’ Evening Works

Family tutors will give pupils an ‘Appointment Schedule’ to take home. Parents/Carers please book your time slot between 4.15 pm – 6.15 pm with available subject teachers. 

Parents’ Evening Feedback 

We were delighted that over 70% of our parents came along to discuss their child’s progress and welfare with us in 2023/2024. Education is always more successful when we work together. 

2024-2025 Parents’ Evenings 4.15pm – 6.15pm

  • Year 11 Parents’ Evening – Thursday 12th December 2024
  • Year 10 Parents’ Evening – Thursday 16th January 2025
  • Year 8 Parents’ Evening – Thursday 30th January 2025
  • Year 11 Parents' Evening - Thursday 27 March 2025
  • Year 9 Parent’s Evening – Thursday 3rd April 2025
  • Year 7 Parents’ Evening – Thursday 1st May 2025

Year 9 Options:

  • Options Evening – Thursday 20th March 2025
  • A huge thank you to all staff for their dedicated teaching.

  • My child loves school because of this and feels respected, happy and safe.

  • Keep up the good work!

  • Simply great!

  • Very well led and managed.  Varied range of extra-curricular activities.

  • What impresses me is the co-operation and connection between pupils, parents and teachers.

  • The staff all seem interested, not only in academic achievements but also in ensuring all pupils are happy.

  • I am very impressed with the obvious strong leadership and attention to detail regarding lesson structure and learning objectives.

  • The staff have a genuine interest in the pupils. Lessons are fun as well as educational.

  • The teachers are enthusiastic about their subjects and are very approachable.

  • My child is happy at Barlow and feels valued.

  • There is a good ethos of respect for others.

  • I have been impressed by the pastoral care. The staff are warm and caring.